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Harmonizing Home Interiors with Vastu Shastra: Insights from Pooja Khandelwal

Updated: Apr 10


Imagine a space where the echoes of the past resonate with modern aesthetics. This blog delves into the ancient wisdom of Vastu Shastra, exploring how it can seamlessly blend with contemporary interior design. Pooja Khandelwal, a leading expert in the field, will guide us on this journey. Discover how aligning your living space with Vastu principles can foster harmony, balance, and a positive flow of energy within your home.

Balancing Energy Flow: Vastu-Inspired Interior Design Tips for Your Home

Understanding Vastu Shastra: Ancient Wisdom for Modern Living

Vastu Shastra, a traditional Indian system of architecture, translates to "science of dwellings." It emphasizes the design, layout, and construction of buildings to create a harmonious environment for the occupants. Rooted in the belief that energy flows throughout the universe and within our living spaces, Vastu principles aim to create positive energy flow, promoting well-being and prosperity. While its origins lie in ancient times, Vastu remains surprisingly relevant in the fast-paced world of today.

Exploring the Importance of Energy Flow and Spatial Harmony in Vastu Philosophy

Vastu emphasizes the concept of "shakti," a Sanskrit word for energy. It posits that positive energy, or "subh shakti," flows throughout the universe and influences our lives. By strategically designing our living spaces, we can create a flow that fosters well-being and prosperity. Conversely, negative or blocked energy, "dosha," can lead to disharmony and challenges. Vastu principles help us design layouts that promote the flow of subh shakti and minimize dosha.

Designing with Direction: Optimizing Room Layouts According to Vastu Guidelines

Vastu assigns specific functions to different cardinal directions. Understanding these directions and their associated elements is key to optimizing room layouts. Here are some general guidelines:

  • Northeast (Earth Zone): Ideal for the puja room or meditation space due to its association with peace and spiritual growth.

  • East (Air Zone): Promotes fresh beginnings and positive energy. Bedrooms placed in the east are said to be conducive to good sleep and health.

  • Southeast (Fire Zone): The kitchen finds its perfect placement in the southeast due to the association with fire.

  • South (Air Zone): Light and airy living rooms positioned in the south are said to encourage social interaction and positive energy.

  • Southwest (Earth Zone): This zone is considered ideal for the master bedroom, promoting stability and restful sleep.

  • West (Water Zone): The bathroom finds its ideal placement in the west, aligned with the water element.

  • Northwest (Air Zone): Guest rooms or storage areas are best suited for the northwest zone.

Tips for Creating Balanced and Harmonious Living Spaces Based on Vastu Principles

Beyond directional placement, Vastu offers additional tips for creating harmonious living spaces:

  • Entrance: The main entrance should ideally face east or north, welcoming positive energy.

  • Shape of Rooms: Square and rectangular rooms are considered auspicious, while irregular shapes are best avoided.

  • Mirrors: Mirrors placed strategically can amplify positive energy. Avoid placing them directly opposite the bed or the main entrance.

  • Declutter: Clutter is seen as a barrier to energy flow. Regularly decluttering your space is key.

Bringing Nature Indoors: Integrating Vastu-Approved Elements and Materials

Vastu emphasizes the importance of integrating nature into our living spaces. Here's how:

  • Plants: Lively plants placed strategically within the home are believed to purify the air and enhance positive energy flow.

  • Water Features: Small water features like fountains or aquariums can bring a sense of peace and tranquility, but avoid placing them in bedrooms according to Vastu.

  • Natural Materials: Natural materials like wood, cotton, and wool are preferred over synthetic materials, creating a more balanced and grounding environment.

Pooja Khandelwal (Interior Design)
Interior Design Pooja Khandelwal

Understanding the Significance of Specific Colors, Textures, and Materials in Vastu-Compliant Decor

Vastu prescribes specific colors and textures for different areas of the home based on their associated elements:

  • Earth Zone (Northeast & Southwest): Earthy tones like beige, cream, and brown are recommended.

  • Air Zone (East, West & Northwest): Light and airy colors like white, blue, and green are ideal.

  • Fire Zone (Southeast): Warmer colors like red and orange can be used sparingly to promote vitality.

Enhancing Positivity: Vastu Tips for Selecting Furniture and Decor

Furniture selection and placement play a crucial role in Vastu-compliant design:

  • Furniture Shapes: Opt for furniture with rounded edges and avoid sharp corners that can disrupt energy flow.

  • Colors: Choose furniture colors that complement the designated zone's energy. Light wood tones work well in the east, while darker, sturdier woods are suitable for the southwest.

  • Placement: Avoid placing heavy furniture in the north or east zones, as it can impede energy flow. Position beds with the headboard against a south or west wall for a sense of security

Utilizing Vastu-Approved Decor Accents and Symbols
  • Yantras: Geometric diagrams representing deities can be placed in specific areas to enhance positive energy.

  • Pyramids: Believed to harmonize energy fields, pyramids can be placed strategically throughout the home.

  • Wind chimes: Wind chimes placed near windows are said to usher in positive energy with their gentle sounds.

Creating Sacred Spaces: Designing Vastu-Compliant Areas for Meditation and Prayer

A designated space for meditation or prayer fosters peace and spiritual well-being. Here's how Vastu can guide you:

  • Northeast Zone: This is the ideal location for a puja room or meditation space due to its association with peace and spiritual growth.

  • Cleanliness: Maintain a clean and clutter-free environment in your prayer or meditation space.

  • East Facing: Position yourself facing east while meditating or performing prayers to benefit from the positive energy associated with this direction.


By incorporating Vastu Shastra principles into your home design, you embark on a journey towards holistic living. Guided by Pooja Khandelwal's expertise and the wisdom of Vastu, you can create a haven that not only pleases the eye but also nurtures the soul. Embrace the ancient wisdom of Vastu Shastra and transform your living space into an oasis of harmony and positive energy flow.

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